Food. Lifestyle. Love

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Recipe: Potato cakes

I was not a fan of potatoes, not until I’ve come to the Netherlands and eaten different types of potato varieties. Most of them are so good even if you just boil them. When my husband brought back home many bags of potatoes, I was dumbfounded – ‘what in the world am I going to do with them?’ Hence, I experienced many ways to cook them. So far, potato cakes is my most favorite of all. To make them more flavorful, put salami or any...
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Sunday, 1 February 2015

Recipe: Crème brûlée cheesecake

The sun is shining to my face and I can feel the warmth of the ray touching my skin. If I were in Malaysia, I would have closed the curtains by now, but I didn't do that today. The gray and gloomy weather makes me missed the sun so much. I don't mind the cold, but the color of the sky can be depressing sometimes. I've been looking at the pictures of the beaches a lot lately, which I rarely did in Malaysia. The sunshine is something...
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