Munirah Faudzi from Science Faculty, UPM asked me to bake something special for her hantaran (Malay tradition; gift for the groom) . She told me what she likes and I tried baking the cupcakes based on her liking. The result was AWESOME. I didn't expect it to taste sooo GOOD (okay I'm not exaggerating). The combination of fresh strawberry, cheese, yummy crackers made this cupcake one of a kind.
I gave her some to taste and asked her opinion on the cupcakes. She sms-ed me and she said she really love them! She was really satisfied and she even told me that her friend love it too :) yeay~ another happy customer :)
Free samples for Muni to try :)
You can PM me to bake something based on your liking, I will bake it and give you free samples F.O.C for you to try, and I need your feedback so that I can improve it better :)
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